Re: Intelligent modems :-(

John B. Brown (
Mon, 13 Mar 1995 09:36:53 -0500

Dear Folks,

	Why has such easy back-door access been installed at all?



> From Mon Mar 13 10:44:13 1995
> To: Phil Male <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Intelligent modems :-( 
> From: Christian Wettergren <>

> | > > If it is in LAP-M mode, just send of AT*R to them (protected
> | > > with a preset password of QWERTY). You may also use the command
> | > > <1s>****<1s> analog to the +++ sequence. You may even load 
> | > 
> | > I'm sure there must be a way to disable it or change the password?
> | 
> | There is - I had this conversation over a year ago here and if I had the 
> | manuals to hand I'd tell you want it is (well on the modems we use 
> | anyway) - but it is documentated in the manuals.

> There is, I believe it was AT*C or something. What concerns me is that
> this is totally undocumented in the papers from Intel.

> I also feel uneasy with the possibility of reprogramming the Flash-PROMs.
> Many of the modems do have quite a lot of RAM inside, one model I saw
> said it had 32kRAM inside (not a Rockwell chip though). It might be 
> farfetched, but I would definitely not want someone to upload a "password
> sniffer" into my modem.

> /Christian Wettergren,
>                        KTH/Teleinformatics